GOD became flesh in His Son JESUS CHRIST
JESUS willingly DIED for our sin,
rose from the dead, ascended to Heaven,
is alive forever, and is coming again!

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cc card Romans Road


Why is this called "Romans road?"

Is it just for Romans? No!
Did the Romans write it?   No!

"Romans" -the sixth book in the New Testament is a letter to the Christians in Rome. The Apostle Paul wrote some specific and necessary truth, which one must believe and accept, in order to be saved. So, those points of truth are like a road, -a Roman Road" to salvation.


What does "being saved" mean?
What are we "saved" FROM?

Being "SAVED" means, that when one believes God's truth, and repents from sin, that God forgives our sin, and changes our nature from being sinful and self-centered, to a new and holy nature!
Being forgiven of sin also means we are "SAVED" FROM certain things, such as:
- saved  FROM the sinful NATURE we were born with; -TO a NATURE, born of His Spirit.
- saved  FROM the CONTROL of sin; TO the loving guidance, provision, protection and power of God.
- saved  FROM the PENALTY of sin; TO the reward of righteousness of JESUS.
Being "SAVED" is to be "born again".  We are saved TO a new life.


Who CAN be saved?

Whoever believes that Jesus is the Savior, 
repents of their sin, and asks His forgiveness, can be saved. 


Who MUST be saved?

EVERYBODY must be saved!  Because,
"All have sinned..."  Romans 3:23   ".. and come short of the glory of God."
No one is "good enough."  We ALL must be saved.
No one is "so bad"  they can't be saved.
No one can DO enough good things to be saved.
We must acknowledge that we are sinners in NEED of being saved.


What if I'm never saved?

"The wages of sin" .... Romans 6:23 ....   ".. is death."
Death, is eternal separation from God, in hell.
This is why it's essential to be saved.


What does it cost?

Romans 6:23 also says, "the gift of God, is eternal life through Jesus Christ."
Eternal Life is a FREE GIFT!
It is free, because Jesus loves us. He loved us even while we are sinners.
He loves us so much, He paid the price of death for our sin, ...Romans 5:8


What must I do to be saved? 

Confess your faith in Jesus. 
Believe that He forgives you.
Romans 10:9 says, ..."if you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus, 
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you SHALL be saved." 


How do I receive forgiveness?

Simply believe this truth, and ask God to forgive you. 
Romans 10:13  "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." 

Do I  recite a certain prayer?

No! There is not a "certain" prayer to recite.
"Prayer" is expressing your thoughts and feelings in your own words, to God.
God already knows what's in your heart.  But it's important to pray because 
prayer establishes, expresses and strengthens your faith.

You can pray right now, and when you pray,

·  BELIEVE  that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and rose from the dead.

·  CONFESS that you are a sinner and need His forgiveness.

·  RECEIVE His forgiveness;

·  ACCEPT   His free gift of eternal life.


What do I do now that I believe?

·  - Obey His command to be BAPTIZED publicly confessing He is your Savior.

·  - Pray daily!  And as often as possible.

·  - Read the Bible - learn and trust the Word of God.

·  - Assemble regularly with other believers to worship Him.

·  - Fellowship with true believers.

·  - Serve God, by BEING the Christian you have BECOME.


Write and tell us if you prayed to be saved

Or if you need assistance in praying.

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Thank you for taking time to visit.

Copyright © 1999 [The Country Chapel, Inc.] All rights reserved.  Originated: January 20, 1999